Dialogo sobre as mulheres na mineração- Embellie x IWiM
In partnership with IWiM – International Women in Mining, we start our new series of webinars focused on gender and mining, with a focus on the growing contribution of latin american women in mining companies and the sustainable development of mining projects. Our Senior Partner at Embellie Advisory Dr. Remi Piet leads the panel, joined by several friends and latin american mining experts: This panel gathers Barbara Dischinger , director of IWiM – International Women in Mining; Camila Meireles, Technical Officer – Extractives & Energy of International Labour Organization; Taciana Peão Lopes, Co-Founder of MWE – Mozambique Women of Energy; Mariana Galvão , Postdoc Researcher in LUT School of Business and Management.
Click HERE to view the video of the webinar.
Estamos orgulhosos de apresentar nossa série de webinars sobre gênero e mineração com a IWiM – International Women in Mining. Começamos com este, dedicado à crescente contribuição das mulheres latino-americanas às empresas de mineração e ao desenvolvimento sustentável dos projetos de mineração. Este painel reúne Barbara Dischinger (She/Her), diretora da IWiM – International Women in Mining; Camila Meireles, Diretora Técnica – Extractives & Energy da Organização Internacional do Trabalho; Taciana Peão Lopes, Co-Fundadora da MWE – Mozambique Women of Energy; Mariana Galvão Lyra, Pesquisadora Postdoc na LUT School of Business and Management e Remi Piet, Ph.D, Sócia Sênior da Embellie Advisory.
Mining Coffee Chats were weekly meetings held by Dr. Remi Piet, as part then of AMI. Remi explored important topics affecting the mining industry with expert speakers, and discussed with attendees the challenges they faced during COVID-19 and beyond.
To find out more about Embellie Advisory’s consulting work in the area of risk management for mining investors and companies, please explore our recent webinars, case studies and whitepapers.
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Dr. Remi Piet is the Co-founder and Managing Director of Embellie Advisory. Remi leads political and other risk analysis activities for the mining, energy and infrastructure sectors in Latin America and West Africa. He has worked on projects in more than 60 countries across Latin America, Africa and Europe and taught at several universities including the University of Miami, HEC (Paris) and Qatar University. Be it a snapshot country and counterparty risk analysis ahead of an asset purchase, the on-going monitoring of on-the-ground risks or the development of local sustainable value with stakeholders, Remi has a long track record of success building collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders.