
Dialogue sur la femme dans le secteur minier – Embellie x IWiM

Le vendredi 25 mars se tenait l’édition en français de notre série de webinaires sur les femmes dans le secteur minier, en partenariat avec IWiM – International Women in Mining. Pour cette édition, Remi Piet, Ph.D était accompagné de 5 femmes engagées dans le secteur minier à travers le monde : Rokhaya Samba, Directrice de la Géologie au Ministére des Mines et de la Géologie du Sénégal, Maureen Moran, Directrice Talents et Diversité au sein du groupe minier français Eramet, Rachel Johnston, consultante et ex-responsable RSE de plusieurs entreprises minières, Muriella Aina Ranaivo, secrétaire générale d’IWiM à Madagascar, ainsi que Paule Filion, consultante et spécialiste en développement de stratégies RSE.

Cliquez ICI pour voir la vidéo du webinaire.

In partnership with IWiM – International Women in Mining,  we start our new series of webinars focused on gender and mining, with a focus on the growing contribution of women in mining companies and the sustainable development of mining projects. Our Senior Partner at Embellie Advisory Dr. Remi Piet leads the panel, joined by several friends and french mining experts: Rokhaya Samba, Director of Geology at the Senegal Minister of Mines and Geology, Maureen Moran, Talents & Diversity Director at french mining group Eramet, Rachel Johnston, consultant and ex CSR Manager of several mining companies, Murialla Aina Ranaiva, General Secretary of WIMR in Madagascar, and Paule Filion, consultant and ESG-governance and CSR specialist.

Click HERE to view the video of the webinar.

Mining Coffee Chats were weekly meetings held by Dr. Remi Piet, as part then of AMI. Remi explored important topics affecting the mining industry with expert speakers, and discussed with attendees the challenges they faced during COVID-19 and beyond.

To find out more about Embellie Advisory’s consulting work in the area of risk management for mining investors and companies, please explore our recent webinars, case studies and whitepapers.

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Dr. Remi Piet

Dr. Remi Piet is the Co-founder and Managing Director of Embellie Advisory. Remi leads political and other risk analysis activities for the mining, energy and infrastructure sectors in Latin America and West Africa. He has worked on projects in more than 60 countries across Latin America, Africa and Europe and taught at several universities including the University of Miami, HEC (Paris) and Qatar University. Be it a snapshot country and counterparty risk analysis ahead of an asset purchase, the on-going monitoring of on-the-ground risks or the development of local sustainable value with stakeholders, Remi has a long track record of success building collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders.